Has God CALLED You Into Ministry?
Why Choose Our Ministers-in-Training Program?
Our Ministers-in-Training Program stands out as the premier choice for those called to serve in ministry. Rooted in Apostolic doctrine, we provide a comprehensive, Spirit-led approach to equipping leaders with the tools, accountability, and support they need to fulfill their divine calling. Here’s why our program is the best option for your ministerial journey:
Apostolic Foundation
Our program is firmly grounded in the Apostolic ministry, emphasizing the teachings of the apostles and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. You’ll receive biblical training that aligns with the Word of God and equips you to walk in authority, disciple others, and expand the Kingdom of God effectively. -
Affordable Excellence
We believe in making quality ministerial training accessible to all. Our program is structured to be affordable without compromising the depth of education and spiritual growth. This ensures you can focus on your calling without the burden of financial strain. -
Accountability for Growth
We provide a structured environment of accountability, where seasoned mentors and leaders guide you through every stage of your journey. You’ll be supported in your personal growth, leadership development, and spiritual maturity. -
Discipleship Beyond the Classroom
Our program isn’t just about academics; it’s about discipleship. You’ll be mentored, equipped, and challenged to grow in character and faith, ensuring you’re prepared for the real-world demands of ministry. -
A Trusted Advocate for Your Journey
Your ministry journey is not meant to be walked alone. Through our program, you’ll have mentors and leaders who can vouch for your readiness, character, and qualifications. This endorsement opens doors, provides credibility, and solidifies your place in ministry. -
Hands-On Ministerial Experience
We don’t just teach theory; we ensure you gain hands-on experience in ministry, helping you develop the confidence and skills necessary to thrive in your calling.
By joining our Ministers-in-Training Program, you’re not just enrolling in a school—you’re stepping into a community that will walk alongside you, empower you, and equip you to serve with excellence. Together, let’s answer God’s call on your life and impact the world for His glory.
Answer the Call with Our Apostolic School of Ministry
Are you called by God to ministry? If the answer is yes, we are here to equip and train you for the works of ministry through our comprehensive Ministry Internship Program. This program, designed to prepare Spirit-filled leaders, spans a minimum of one year and provides the foundation you need to fulfill your divine calling.
Licensing or Ordination
The journey to licensing or ordination begins with answering God's call. In our Ministers in Training (M.I.T.) Program, individuals are evaluated before elevation, ensuring readiness for the responsibilities of ministry.
Who Should Apply?
The M.I.T. program is for those newly called into leadership who:
Are Spirit-filled and living a holy, exemplary life.
Are in good standing with their local church and community.
Are ready to commit to a biblical course of study outlined by the Stepping Stone Christian Education (SSCE) Educational Department.
Program Overview
The M.I.T. program offers a comprehensive curriculum that is both spiritual and biblically based. It incorporates essential requirements to ensure you are properly trained, equipped, and ready to serve effectively in ministry.
Scriptural Foundation
Our program aligns with the mission of Ephesians 4:12-13:
"To equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ."
Step into your calling and prepare to make an impact in the Kingdom of God with the Ministers in Training Program at Stepping Stone Christian Education. Let us walk with you on this transformative journey of discipleship, growth, service, and leadership.
Steps to Ordination
The path to ordination at SSCE consists of three stages: Minister in Training (M.I.T.), Licensed Minister, and Ordained Elder. Through our comprehensive training, you will gain a deep understanding of who you are, your calling and purpose, and the direction of your destiny. You will be equipped to function in healing and deliverance and gain a thorough understanding of Mark 16:17-18, the Holy Spirit, Apostolic Ministry, and Apostolic Succession.
Our program emphasizes the importance of order, etiquette, discernment, and being led by the Holy Spirit. You will explore foundational concepts such as the laying on of hands, Apostolic Doctrine, praise and worship, and Ephesians 4:11-12, alongside practical teachings on the 5-Fold Ministry and its application. You'll also learn the significance of being a servant, and a disciple, and the meaning behind liturgical vestments and clergy colors. As part of your preparation, you will actively lead services, deliver sermons (ready in season and out of season), and conduct praise and worship. Through this journey, you will be fully equipped to answer God's call and excel in your ordination as a leader in ministry.